Tuesday, May 4, 2010

2010 First Robotic season wrap up

The Holy Cows season began at the San Diego Regional where we made to to the semi finals with the help of teams 1388 and 668. The Holy Cows also won the Excellence in Engineering Award and for the second year in a row we were the recipients of the San Diego Regional Chairman's Award.
Friday morning of competition the stands were filled with over a hundred students from High Tech High School supporting Daisy Bell and the Holy Cows.

In March the team traveled to Salt Lake City for their very first Regional competition where we made it to the finals with our alliance teams 753 and 3241. We also earned another Excellence in Engineering Award and the Cooperation Award.

Finally, in April we traveled to Atlanta for the Championships along with over 500 teams from 30 countries competing in three levels of First.

The Holy Cows must express a deep and heart felt thank you to our mentors: David Berggren, Jon Jack and Bill Berggren our fearless mentors. . . Thank you!

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