Sunday, November 21, 2010

1 on 1 workshop

Yesterday we did a 1 on 1 workshop for a rookie team at Crawford High School. Jon and David gave the students and mentors a lot of information in the morning, then we helped them build a kit bot, tuff box and taught them a little bit of wiring.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Busy weekend for the Herd

The team had a crazy busy, fun weekend. Saturday afternoon we went to Albert Einstein Academy to attend and help out with their Lantern Festival. We set up a booth and talked about FIRST, our team, we took and printed a bunch of pictures of families with Daisy and the kids also got a chance to drive our square bots they are so excited about robotics.

Daisy was able to walk in the lantern parade and was a big hit.On Sunday morning we hosted an FLL QT Tournament at High Tech High. The FLL kids were very excited to be competing and we had many rookie teams attend the event and they all did really well.
Finally, at the end of the day the Brain Busters came out on top as the champions of the event. Congratulations to the Brain Busters and all the teams that qualified for the Championship at Legoland in December.

Who we gonna call??? BRAIN BUSTERS!!